Honey Info ...
Liquid honey
- (sometimes refereed to as
extracted honey) is simply honey which has been removed from the beeswax
comb. The beeswax comb (honey comb) is the wax structure built by the
bees where nectar and pollen is stored and subsequently processed into
honey. Extracting honey from the comb is a process of removing the beeswax
cappings followed by rotating (spinning) the comb to produce a centrifugal
force which removes the honey. The liquid honey is then strained or filtered
to remove the final bits of wax and put into containers.
Be assured, you will get all of honey's natural benefits from any honey bought here, as everything we sell is strained - not filtered. COLOR OF LIQUID HONEYThe color of honey varies widely with the floral source. The spectrum ranges between "water white" from such sources as alfalfa and some clovers to almost black from buckwheat. Honey color is also affected by the time of year it is produced, with the lighter honey coming earlier in the season, followed by darkening as the honey season progresses. Water white honey looks exactly like corn syrup, and is apt to be just as devoid of distinctive flavor. In general, dark colored honeys are richer in mineral content and are more likely to have a distinct flavor than are light colored honeys. As honey producers and packers, we work to blend light and dark honey to produce a "smooth" flavor devoid of a strong after taste. In the end, it really comes down to flavor over color - as folks buy honey to eat, more so than to look at. Creamed honey
- is 100% pure honey
which has been finely granulated into a paste and spreads like butter
at room temperature. Spun honey, as it is sometimes called, has a "drip-less"
quality and tends to stay put more so than liquid honey once you get it
where you want it! Comb
honey - is honey
still in the beeswax comb -- just like the bees made it! It doesn't
get any fresher or more natural!
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